DS Smith Tecnicarton offers speed, customer integration and reactivity

5 January 2018

The design of the industrial packaging is subject to a series of criteria, requirements imposed by customers and which are the difference between contained or overflowing logistics costs.

That's why, thanks to DS Smith Tecnicarton's work system, we offer precisely what companies demand from their industrial packaging suppliers: speed, integration and reactivity.

Speed in the development time of a new packaging, or in its adaptation to new needs. That's because DS Smith Tecnicarton works side by side with the customer, working with them and analyzing their real needs.

Another feature of the industrial packaging design is integration. The aim is to obtain a packaging design that accompanies the design of the piece. This is why cooperation between the customer company and the packaging supplier is important. In addition, this integration will provide more protective and optimized packaging for each development.

That's why DS Smith Tecnicarton works with the concept of client-supplier connectivity. We are part of the product design in order to obtain a 100% performance guarantee.

Reactivity is also a requirement of companies when it comes to developing industrial packaging. We need to be able to respond to design changes and anticipate market needs.

To meet all these criteria, we have the ability to integrate various materials and choose the one that best serves the purpose we have set ourselves. It is not the same a packaging for export, to move metal parts, or large volume or electronic parts. Each product requires the use of certain materials or a combination of several of them.

For this purpose, we currently have powerful tools such as 3D previews, tests and trials that allow us to know the operation and behaviour of the packaging that we propose before presenting it to the customer. This ensures the success of your products and our packaging.


Source: dssmith.com