Challenge in near future-Food Security remains at the Top...Trend in packaging

Challenge in near future-Food Security remains at the Top...Trend in packaging

Today packaging professionals are focusing on cost, performance and food safety and security. The study says sustainability will replace cost as a dominant trend in a decade while food safety/security is and will remain a top trend say the respondents.


The study is the result is futuristic designed to portray the opinions of more than 500 respondents who are subscriber to the Packaging World and food product daily.

When the respondent were asked as to what trend would impact most in the packaging sector ten years from now, many put forth food safety concerns as the main concern. The further elaborated this as… Quote

  • "We are facing new threats to food safety due to climate change, the failure to address the problems in agriculture, lack of food in the world, and finally finding solutions for sustainable approaches."
  • "In the future I expect food packaging to have a whole new set of environmental and performance requirements. Public awareness will increase and continual improvement of performance will be required."
  • "I foresee sustainability in a new context, where food waste, shelf life, etc. all goes more together."


Other key factors from the respondent can be summarized as follows:


  • Government al regulations will have a higher impact in influencing packaging designing in 10 years as endorsed by 82 percent of respondents.
  • Packaging would be crucial to the product’s success in 10 years endorsed by 81 percent of respondents.
  • That plastic will continue replacing glass and metals. So also flexible packaging will replace rigid structures as endorsed by 65 percent of respondents.


One concept agreed upon by all the respondents is that there is an urgent need to maximize value with minimum impact.


Most odd is the fact that cost is sacrificed for sustainability while in real marketing parlance, affordability underscores every other parameter.

It can be concluded from this study that sustainability must be the watchword especially in the views of the expectations that the ultimate customer will perceive more value in it.

An online survey in August brings to light the insights from consumer goods manufacturers and converters in marketing and packaging development roles. The highest in the ranking of respondents belonged to Food, healthcare and beverage markets. Two thirds of the respondents are from Europe, with the remaining in North America.