Motives for ICT and packaging

Motives for ICT and packaging

There are some unique motives exists between the ICT and packaging. There are some definite changes that can be observed in packaging industry and being purchased and used. Continuous changes in retailing are the reason behind packaging industry and other drivers are distribution channels and expectations in packaging. This has increased the time pressure in transporting products to market.

A transformation in large retail stores and mass distribution helped to the packaging industry to shift from traditional packaging to sales and marketing functions. The trend introduced in packaging saying that to reduce the information about product on packing and increase advertisement instead of product information, it got technological shift in industry. This shift got introduced multimedia in packaging with graphical and color printing which has opened a marketing channel.

This has affected the current market to expand their market in printable paper and materials for packaging and brought competition for high quality colors and graphics in packaging. However, these advancements are just for one channel of information technology in packaging. The ICT involvement in packaging with the help of bar coding on the packages is another development.

Development of interactive intelligence in packaging in the packaging industry for emerging market is relatively connected to ICT and it is uniquely happened for the packaging industry. Packaging includes electronic transmitters which are inexpensive to keep tracking the product information.

Demand for packaging has influenced by the drivers of e-commerce in business environment like for smaller orders online ordering is the best platform to reduce wood pallets. Thus, online marketing has also increased the scope for packaging industry.

The challenge that faced by global paper manufacturers in recent is the downsizing in market, consolidation, overcapacity and globalization. These inefficiencies are occurred because of the inefficient use of ICT resources in paper and packaging industry.

Economic globalization is partially facilitated by the internet and it is associated with structural changes like down in growth. Producing cost efficient packaging and material strategies should reach the customer needs and it needs improved co-operation and association among the packaging manufacturers and purchasers. Whereas, these are facilitated by the ICT and e-commerce applications like extranets to facilitate information to suppliers and purchasers through a platform like distribution systems for packaging.

So, it is required to streamline the supply chain and controlling operations in entire industry. Improved interaction between manufacturers and customers will improve quality and future advancements and helps in fulfilling gaps in industry. The internet also has various arenas like online bidding and some companies are implementing bidding for their business.