M.H. Material Handling S.r.l.

M.H. Material Handling S.r.l.

Via G. Di Vittorio 3, Misinto (MI), ZIP CODE: 20020

Material Buffering Systems

Material Buffering Systems

Buffering Systems:


M.H is considered among the most reliable providers of buffering systems. M.H offers these buffering systems as multiple solutions for the buffering of products. The buffering systems offered by M.H Material Handling includes the BAT-Buffer and HELIFLEX buffering systems. The M.H patented buffering systems, BAT are designed to give complete flexibility to the packaging lines. These buffering systems allow the packaging machines to continue the production without stops. In addition these buffering systems come with an added feature that allows the buffer to work in both directions. The HELIFLEX buffering systems come with a feature that allows both buffering and conditioning cycle with warming or cooling of products.

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