Cousin Pharma

Cousin Pharma

Schützenstraße 87, 88212 Ravensburg, Germany

AboutCousin Pharma

Vision & Mission

We aim to provide patients the world over with the highest quality medicine. To do that, we focus on our employees and our customers.

Our Vision

As a competent and reliable partner for our customers, we make an essential contribution through highest quality to the supply of patients with vital drugs.​

Our Mission


We offer reliable, efficient, and safe processes from development, to aseptic filling, to visual inspection, and to packaging of parenteralia. A key objective of our actions is the lasting improvement of patients’ quality of life. We are an international company that acts economically, ethically and ecologically.

Customer Oriented

We react to our customers’ needs in a flexible and timely manner and focus on fulfilling the agreed commitments in a cooperative relationship. We efficiently work as a team to meet complex regulatory requirements as well as our customers' expectations in accordance with the highest quality standards.


We recognize new opportunities more quickly than others and align our solutions, organization, and behavior accordingly. Our process, product, and service innovations also actively shape our partners' future (suppliers, customers, and cooperation partners). We utilize the opportunities of digitalization by transferring them into innovative product and process solutions for Vetter‘s and our partners‘ benefit.


We achieve top performance through leadership excellence. We create a challenging and motivating work environment to attract highly skilled and talented employees and retain them over the long term. We build an international network of knowledge – “Systematic Best Practice Sharing”.