Lenkersheimer Str. 2690431 Nuremberg


With a company history of more than 160 years, we combine tradition and innovation, regional production and global action, an eye for the big picture and a love of detail.

hand processing

In addition to the production in Nuremberg / Germany, we maintain various locations in Hungary, where mainly the further processing of semi-finished goods and more complex manual production takes place. Our employees continuously train on site, monitor the processes and check the quality of the products.

Among other things, we support workshops that employ people with disabilities.

environmental responsibility

Since mid-2014, we have switched to generating electricity from solar energy - on average around 65% of electricity consumption is covered by our own work and an average of around 190 tons of CO2 are saved per year.

We strive for maximum realization of environmental compatibility.As a paper processing company, we attach great importance to recycling and wood/pulp from sustainable cultivation.

Rissmann is FSC® C043910 certified and works with certified partners.

Compliance with REACH regulations is our top priority.

Social responsibility

SA8000 certification and most of our partners certified to SA8000 guidelines.

Ethically valuable corporate philosophy.

No child labor - at any time and nowhere in our value chain.

Healthy and safe working conditions.

No work compulsion.

No discrimination against employees, suppliers and partners.