Korexim Corporation Ltd

Korexim Corporation Ltd

#917 of 101,217 Pyeongchon-daero,dongan-gu,anyang-si 431779,Gyeonggi-do,Korea

Sheet Manufacturing Equipment

Sheet Manufacturing Equipment

Whether your sheet products are monolithic or multi-layer, thick or thin, optically clear, barrier grade, or pushing the limits of reclaim content, Daeyang has a production solution are new extruding products, solution that works.

Our sheet lines are now extruding for a wide variety of food, refrigerator, agricultural, construction packaging, glazing and automotive applications.


Application material SAN/ABS, PMMA/ABS, ASA/ABS, 2, 3 Layer sheet

Extruder size, main/sub θ120mm/80mm

Sheet thickness 0.8~10mm

Sheet Width 1000~1500mm

Extrusion output 400-500kg/hr at ABS

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